Cloud Computing - Everything You Need to Know

Cloud Computing

In this collection you'll learn

  • what are the benefits of migrating to the cloud
  • how to choose the best cloud provider for your case
  • which cloud migration tools to use
  • how to create a comprehensive cloud migration strategy,
  • how to maximize cloud cost savings.

Cloud computing benefits

  • Scalability: Cloud services can be scaled up or down based on demand. This flexibility allows businesses to efficiently manage resources and handle varying workloads, avoiding the need for costly infrastructure investments for peak times.
  • Cost efficiency: With cloud computing, businesses can save on capital expenditures for hardware and software. They pay only for what they use, often on a subscription basis, which turns large capital expenditures into predictable operating expenses.
  • Accessibility and mobility: Cloud computing enables access to applications and data from anywhere, as long as there's an internet connection. This facilitates remote work, global collaboration, and ensures that business operations can continue from any location.
  • Disaster recovery and data backup: The cloud offers robust solutions for data backup and disaster recovery. Being able to store and replicate data in multiple locations managed by the cloud provider ensures data safety and quick recovery in case of data loss or system failure.
  • Automatic updates: Cloud service providers typically take care of system updates and maintenance, including security updates. This reduces the workload for in-house IT teams and ensures that businesses are using the latest, most secure software versions without additional effort or cost.

Cloud service providers

  • Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS is one of the largest and most widely used cloud service providers, offering a vast range of services including computing power, storage, databases, machine learning, and more.
  • Microsoft Azure: Microsoft's cloud platform, Azure, provides a comprehensive set of cloud services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Google's cloud services offer computing, storage, data analytics, machine learning, and various other tools for developers and businesses.
  • IBM Cloud: IBM provides cloud computing solutions and services, including infrastructure, AI, blockchain, and analytics, catering to enterprises and various industries.
  • Oracle Cloud: Oracle Cloud offers cloud infrastructure, applications, and platform services, with a focus on databases, business applications, and enterprise solutions.

Cloud computing scalability

What is scalability in cloud computing?

One of the key benefits that cloud computing offers to businesses is its ability to easily scale its resources to match the current demand, allowing for cost reduction, accelerated growth, and improved responsiveness to market fluctuations.

How to achieve cloud scalability?

To make your business more scalable with cloud computing, start by moving to the cloud because relying on physical hardware can limit growth. Choose the right cloud provider since their capabilities differ. To boost performance, consider scaling up your server using methods like vertical, horizontal, or diagonal scaling. Consulting services can help create a customized plan because there's no one-size-fits-all solution.

Enterprise cloud computing

Benefits of enterprise cloud computing

Benefits of enterprise cloud computing

Businesses are shifting to the cloud mainly to grow faster. Cloud solutions let them handle more customers and increase traffic quickly without losing quality, helping them thrive.

By moving to the cloud, enterprises can avoid the high upfront costs of buying and maintaining hardware and software. 

Enterprise cloud allows companies to reduce and increase the number of resources such as data storage, processing power, and the number of servers according to their current needs.

Common enterprise cloud computing services

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This service provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. IaaS is the most basic category of cloud computing services, offering fundamental compute, network, and storage resources on-demand, on a pay-as-you-go basis. Examples include Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app. PaaS includes services like Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure App Services, and Heroku.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): SaaS delivers software applications over the internet, on a subscription basis. It is typically accessed through a web browser and eliminates the need for installations, maintenance, and complex setup. Popular SaaS examples include Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, and Slack.

Cloud migration strategy

Why you should have a cloud migration strategy

  • Better risk management and disaster recovery.
  • Allows for predictability of cost and time.
  • Helps to build the implementation schedule.
  • Integrating migration into overall company strategy.
  • Reducing staff shortage and skill gap.

Step-by-step plan to build a cloud migration strategy

Cloud migration strategy - 14 steps

How to maximize cloud cost savings

  • Right-size resources: Analyze and choose the appropriate size for your cloud resources to avoid over-provisioning. Cloud services often offer a variety of instance types and sizes, and selecting the one that fits your actual needs can significantly cut costs.
  • Use reserved instances or savings plans: Many cloud providers offer significant discounts for reserved instances or savings plans compared to on-demand pricing. By committing to a certain level of usage (in terms of time or capacity), you can enjoy lower rates.
  • Optimize storage costs: Storage can become a significant cost, especially if not managed properly. Implement policies for data retention and deletion, use appropriate storage classes (like infrequent access or archival classes for less accessed data), and regularly review and clean up old or unnecessary data.
  • Monitor and manage usage and costs: Regularly monitor usage and costs using cloud provider tools. Identifying underused or unused resources and shutting them down can lead to significant savings. Set up alerts to notify you of cost spikes or unusual activity.
  • Implement autoscaling: Autoscaling ensures that you have the right amount of resources to handle the load at any given time. This not only improves performance but also prevents you from paying for idle resources during off-peak times.

Top cloud migration tools

  • AWS Migration Services
  • Azure Migrate
  • Google Cloud Migrate
  • VMware HCX
  • CloudEndure Migration
  • Carbonite Migrate
  • Turbonomic
  • Dell EMC Cloud Migration Services

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