Building Self-Sustaining Systems in Tech Organizations


Meet our hosts & guests

Matt Warcholinski

Co-founder of Brainhub, Matt describes himself as a “serial entrepreneur”. Throughout his career, Matt has developed several startups in Germany, wearing many hats- from a marketer to an IT Engineer and customer support specialist. As a host of the Better Tech Leadership podcast, Matt talks about growing successful businesses and the challenges of being a startup founder and investor.

Khaled Souf
Fractional CTO

Khaled Souf is a software crafter, fractional CTO, and tech advisor with over 15 years of experience. He specializes in technology strategy, product development, and technical leadership for startups and SMEs. Khaled excels at uniting teams around a shared vision and making business logic visible in code. His extensive career includes roles at 56K.Cloud, Socradev Sàrl, Kry, and Sunday, where he has trained and coached teams on best practices in software development and DevOps.


00:10 - 00:15
My name is Matt, and I will be talking to Khaled Souf about industry dynamics and continuous learning and adaptation.

00:18 - 00:20
Hey, Khaled. How are you doing?

00:20 - 00:22
I'm doing good, Matt. Thank you.

00:22 - 00:23
Thank you for having me.

00:23 - 00:25
Yeah. Happy happy, happy to have you here.

00:25 - 00:27
I mean, first time in, Geneva.

00:27 - 00:33
We just recently talked that the vibe is interesting, but it's more of a French city. Right?

00:33 - 00:38
Yes. It's actually like, well, the the the Geneva people, they will not like what I say, but

00:38 - 00:44
usually, we we say that Geneva is part of France, not of Switzerland because of the way they

00:44 - 00:47
work and for many other reasons.

00:48 - 00:50
So Switzerland start after Geneva.

00:53 - 00:57
Haven't I haven't known that, so that's a good to good, good thing.

00:58 - 01:01
And we are here to discuss the the tech stuff in general.

01:01 - 01:06
We already had some discussion, and I have to stop you because you have so many interesting stories, to be honest.

01:09 - 01:14
And, like, what caught my attention, when I look at your profile and we discussed the potential

01:14 - 01:19
podcast before, it's like you are, I would say, around 20 years in tech, right, already?

01:20 - 01:24
Well, not, like, more than 15 years. More than 15 years. Okay.

01:25 - 01:29
And you have, because you work as a consultant, so you have a lot of experiences.

01:29 - 01:34
So if I when I check the LinkedIn, there's, like, a number of 36 experiences, which is, like,

01:34 - 01:38
more or less different positions, different companies that you consulted.

01:38 - 01:42
So we have a lot of stories that I would love to hear today.

01:42 - 01:44
Yeah. We I'm I'm what we call the nomad.

01:44 - 01:46
So so it's like I'm always switching.

01:46 - 01:50
And, with with these years, it's become even more hectic because sometimes I can have, like,

01:50 - 01:54
2 to 3 customers in a week. So Okay.

01:54 - 02:00
So it's more and more and, like, today, the, the mandate, they are smaller and smaller.

02:00 - 02:02
So it's like I can stay, like, for a few weeks.

02:02 - 02:05
Sometimes it's for months for for for customer.

02:05 - 02:09
But most of the case, less than a year. So I'm always switching.

02:10 - 02:15
So nice. So you have, been there, done that, have seen a lot of things probably in your life.

02:16 - 02:25
And 1 thing that, stuck in my mind when we, talk, you work for 1 company in, in Canada, and

02:25 - 02:31
we were discussing scaling teams, scaling products, and you told me, like, really interesting

02:31 - 02:37
story and your lessons are based on that on scaling the the product or scaling the technology behind the product.

02:37 - 02:39
So maybe could you elaborate on that?

02:39 - 02:47
Yes. So what happens is actually, I joined that team as, well, we tailor it actually a mandate for myself.

02:47 - 02:51
So it's like I've been discussing with 1 of the manager about the issues that have.

02:51 - 02:57
And and I told him, okay, this subject are actually mainly I can I can help you with that?

02:57 - 03:04
So we started with this subject. 1 of them is actually migrating the, let's say, the the main

03:04 - 03:09
ecommerce applications to a new cloud provider for different reasons.

03:10 - 03:17
And, in the middle of that migration, well, they they they told me that actually Black Friday

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and Cyber Monday is coming. So let's stop that.

03:21 - 03:29
Let's, let's, pass that, let's say, big wave of customers coming to to the website and then

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buying a lot of stuff, and then we can go there.

03:34 - 03:39
So what I discovered with the with the with the with the with the ops that that were there,

03:39 - 03:46
that we've been when we've been working, well, we check the traffic over the few years back.

03:46 - 03:50
We discover that the traffic in these days is like 500%.

03:51 - 03:54
Than, let's say, a classical day.

03:55 - 03:57
So we needed to prepare that.

03:57 - 04:07
We checked also whether the application that's gonna be, solicited and mainly working more than the other.

04:07 - 04:12
So we can know how which 1 should be scaled and which 1 they shouldn't be.

04:13 - 04:19
And, well, we've prepared we've prepared the work because you already have, infrastructure as code.

04:19 - 04:25
So it's like changing the infrastructure is easy and, you know, you can we can keep it as it is.

04:25 - 04:28
So what we did is, like, we said, okay.

04:29 - 04:36
If you need to scale, you can't use the, what you call, the automatic scale stuff that you can find in cloud. Why?

04:36 - 04:38
Because it's already too late.

04:39 - 04:47
The the time that need to to prepare virtual machines or maybe virtuals, let let's say deploy

04:47 - 04:51
application, we're gonna we're gonna lose something if we do that.

04:51 - 04:53
So what we did is actually said, okay.

04:53 - 04:57
We know for sure at midnight, they go we're gonna have that.

04:57 - 05:02
So let's prepare the day before. We're gonna, prepare instances.

05:03 - 05:06
We're gonna prepare, like, already the application.

05:06 - 05:11
And then after the cyber Monday, we're gonna we're gonna shut them down because it's, it's,

05:12 - 05:15
let's say, it's very specific.

05:15 - 05:19
I will not, like, buy a virtual machine for 3 years or for 6 months.

05:19 - 05:26
I know for sure that I have, like, 2 days that so so I need to scale only for these 2 days.

05:26 - 05:32
Let's say even I included also the weekend because, Souf know, we have Black Friday.

05:32 - 05:37
You have then Saturday, Sunday, and then the Cyber Monday.

05:37 - 05:40
So what we said, okay, let's scale it for 4 days.

05:41 - 05:44
We're gonna stay on-site for that weekend.

05:44 - 05:46
They're gonna pay us for that for sure.

05:49 - 05:56
And, and, well, we did it, and it works just fine because we already have information how much

05:56 - 05:57
is gonna be the traffic.

05:58 - 05:59
And that's that's cool also.

05:59 - 06:07
We, we've made a lot of alerts Souf so we can know if if if it attains a certain level, we can

06:07 - 06:09
then maybe add more machines in that.

06:09 - 06:11
So that's why we've been we've been there.

06:11 - 06:14
So everybody was checking, and it was really nice.

06:14 - 06:15
This is 1 type of scaling.

06:16 - 06:22
This is the scaling that you have, like, multiple users that is coming up, and you try to scale

06:22 - 06:24
for for an event or something.

06:24 - 06:30
It happens a lot, especially when when people are buying for, for holidays, for Christmas.

06:30 - 06:34
This is happens a lot for, like, Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

06:34 - 06:37
Usually, it's like what they buy is actually for for Christmas.

06:37 - 06:42
And, and then, there is other type of scaling.

06:42 - 06:52
So the other type of scaling is, let's say, okay, we have market and we try to scale the product to multiple countries.

06:53 - 06:55
This is a different type of scaling.

06:56 - 06:59
This 1 needs a different, different things.

06:59 - 07:06
So 1 of them is actually most of the time you're gonna need to readapt your application, extract

07:06 - 07:11
the 1 that actually common, the part that are actually common and try to figure it out this

07:11 - 07:13
specific 1 for the country.

07:14 - 07:20
And then Souf create some kind of contracts, let's say, of these specific parts.

07:21 - 07:24
And every time you have a new country, you need to implement it.

07:24 - 07:26
This is in in the code side.

07:26 - 07:31
When we go to the deployment side, what happens is actually we say, okay.

07:32 - 07:39
Some people, they're gonna tell you, okay, let's do 1 application for all multi tenant, multi, countries.

07:39 - 07:42
Well, usually, I don't agree with that. Why?

07:42 - 07:47
Because it doesn't make sense that somebody in France need to use the application.

07:48 - 07:51
He gonna call the website that actually in the United States.

07:51 - 08:00
And especially, and also it's, it's it's a risk because if the the application is shut down

08:00 - 08:05
for for in USA, everything is shut shut down in every country.

08:06 - 08:13
So in my opinion, the best way is like taking that application, deploying a new instance not

08:13 - 08:18
far away and even better if it is deployed in the country itself, if there is a region for that,

08:18 - 08:21
if there is like, like a place in the cloud provider.

08:21 - 08:24
So it can be not far away from customers.

08:25 - 08:30
We can manage the traffic because we know how much we're gonna have traffic for that country.

08:31 - 08:34
And in the same time, it's completely independent.

08:34 - 08:38
So it's like when we deploy a version, it depends on the country.

08:39 - 08:44
The, the drawback for this type of solution is the common part.

08:44 - 08:52
So when you try to upgrade or update or maybe add new features for the common part, you need

08:52 - 08:54
to deploy them country by country.

08:55 - 09:03
So 1 of the things that I prefer in this side is, like, using feature flapping, you know, feature toggling.

09:04 - 09:10
So we can, like, we for the common part, we can, like, activate, deactivate certain feature

09:10 - 09:17
and then activate them in the other country if the country is already like, let's say, we already

09:17 - 09:20
prepared everything for that, and we do it slowly, slowly.

09:20 - 09:22
You know, I'm not a big fan of big bang.

09:23 - 09:29
I always try to do things slowly, because in my opinion, something that is already working in

09:29 - 09:41
production need to be evolved, not we we don't need to redo it. It doesn't make sense. It's already making money. So

09:42 - 09:46
Makes sense. So I assume you don't deploy on on Friday very often.

09:47 - 09:50
Well, yes. I prefer deploying on Monday.

09:51 - 09:58
Or I prefer deploying when there is less traffic and we have people for the next 2 to 3 days

09:58 - 09:59
so we can manage the issue.

09:59 - 10:02
So it's like, Wednesday, it's a good day.

10:03 - 10:08
Thursday Friday, they are not, like, the best 1 to choose. Monday, the best 1. You know?

10:08 - 10:13
It start the journey with, like, with, like, a big big thing like that.

10:13 - 10:19
And, and depending on the context on the, on the on the traffic, like like I told you, sometimes

10:19 - 10:25
when you work in ecommerce, usually when we deploy, you try to deploy, you check how much is

10:25 - 10:32
used the application, and then you try to figure it out like, like, the the the the time that

10:32 - 10:34
nobody is using it or maybe less people.

10:35 - 10:38
You communicate on that, you know, what you call a change management.

10:39 - 10:43
Like Souf communicate about the new feature that is coming up and then you say that we will

10:43 - 10:47
not be available from that hour to that hour.

10:47 - 10:54
And you know for that hour for for these, like, area of hours, nobody gonna use or maybe little

10:54 - 10:58
of people, like 2 or 3 or maybe less or maybe even nobody.

10:58 - 11:01
So there you can manage the risk.

11:01 - 11:02
And this is the thing.

11:02 - 11:07
So if there is a risk, there is like multiple ways to to do it.

11:07 - 11:08
Solve it, if you can.

11:08 - 11:10
If you can solve it, you try to manage it.

11:11 - 11:15
And this is 1 way of managing the risk of actually deploying.

11:16 - 11:20
And and talking about the risk, we discussed really interesting, things.

11:20 - 11:23
To be honest, I haven't heard it before from my guests in the podcast.

11:24 - 11:26
You mentioned the term of chaos engineering.

11:26 - 11:28
Oh, yes. That's, that's a good thing.

11:28 - 11:31
So, this is actually a thing that I discovered.

11:31 - 11:37
So so it's like, when Netflix was like the only platform that is existing and everybody was

11:37 - 11:45
talking about, they have they have like very interesting way, to deploy in production. 1 of

11:45 - 11:50
the things they were using microservices, but now everybody knows that microservices, there

11:50 - 11:53
is like, trade offs on that.

11:53 - 11:54
We can go back to that.

11:55 - 12:01
But, the idea that I like it what they do is, like, there is a story about the whole region

12:01 - 12:07
that shut down, of Amazon in United States, but Netflix still working.

12:08 - 12:11
And mainly, at that time, Netflix was only on Amazon.

12:12 - 12:14
Right now, they are poly cloud. That's different.

12:15 - 12:18
So everybody was looking how do they do it.

12:19 - 12:25
What they actually did is actually they have something that they call, like tools that they

12:25 - 12:30
call cow cows monkey or the 12 monkeys for the list of all the tools.

12:30 - 12:36
And what these tools do is like they go to production and they shut down services.

12:37 - 12:44
And then from there, the engineers, the ops, the devs, they're gonna try to figure it out how

12:44 - 12:51
the system behave in a degraded mode and try to manage that risk like like usual.

12:51 - 12:55
So when you can't avoid the risk, you try to manage it.

12:56 - 13:01
And, 1 of the tools that comes from that is, like, what Souf call circuit breaker, for example.

13:01 - 13:08
It's like when you have an exception or an error in in in microservice, you try not to propagate it to other service.

13:09 - 13:12
And you try to have, like, some kind of cache.

13:12 - 13:19
So when somebody is calling, he get the last information, even the when when the the service is not available.

13:19 - 13:23
This is 1 of the solution they figure it out by using, chaos engineering.

13:23 - 13:31
So the idea of chaos engineering is, like, let's shut down, like, random service and see how

13:31 - 13:40
the system is behaving in so we can make it behaving in a way that keeps working even if it

13:40 - 13:42
is in in the degraded mode.

13:42 - 13:48
And you mentioned the microservices, so microservices versus Monolith and because, like, the

13:48 - 13:53
spartigmal, it's changing over the last over the last years, everybody was talking about the

13:53 - 13:59
microservices, And I think like this or last year, the people are starting changing the approach.

13:59 - 14:01
So what is your what are your thoughts here?

14:01 - 14:07
Okay. So, the thing about microservices is like, we started with the hype, so everybody's going there.

14:07 - 14:15
Everybody but the thing is when Souf are a CTO or an architect or somebody who have a technical

14:15 - 14:21
vision, we understand and we know for sure that everything is coming is coming with 2 things.

14:22 - 14:24
It's coming with, with benefits.

14:24 - 14:26
And there is always drawbacks.

14:26 - 14:30
And at that time, people were were focusing on benefits.

14:30 - 14:32
Like, let's split it in small modules.

14:32 - 14:35
Let's split it in a small service, and then it's easy to deploy.

14:35 - 14:37
It's easy to to undeploy.

14:38 - 14:39
And the risk is actually mitigated.

14:40 - 14:42
But the truth is actually is not that.

14:43 - 14:51
First thing is, like, it's simpler for developers to do it, but it brings multiple switch context.

14:52 - 15:00
It brings also a lot of complexity on the upside because you need to deploy like 100 services, microservices or something.

15:01 - 15:06
So you need to create some kind of strategy so you can provision that as fast as possible.

15:06 - 15:11
And also with all the resources, you need to industrialize that.

15:11 - 15:13
So there is a lot of work to do.

15:13 - 15:15
So this is 1 of the thing.

15:15 - 15:22
The other thing also is, like, when you try to trace back something that is coming from the customer, it's very hard.

15:22 - 15:30
So you need to centralize that in some place so you can trace back all the, let's say, all the

15:30 - 15:35
what happens when there is an issue Because it's not easy to figure it out the issue when you

15:35 - 15:37
have multiple, places that you need to check.

15:38 - 15:42
So you need some place to to do that. This is 1 thing.

15:42 - 15:50
So now the other and the biggest problem in my opinion is, like, people tend to go to microservice

15:51 - 15:54
very early when they don't understand their business.

15:56 - 15:59
What I what I recommend usually is, like, we go to Umorate.

16:00 - 16:02
We stabilize the business side.

16:02 - 16:10
Usually, like, I'm I'm I'm I'm a big fan and also a big I have a knowledge on domain driven designs.

16:10 - 16:14
What what I what I go is like monolith and then you go to modular monolith.

16:14 - 16:16
So you can split it in small models.

16:16 - 16:23
And then if there is a reason to scale, especially if you need to scale that part, then you

16:23 - 16:25
extract it as a microservice.

16:25 - 16:30
So what I prefer is, like, going to something hybrid between monolith and microservice.

16:31 - 16:35
But you need always to check if the business need it.

16:35 - 16:37
We always go to the same stuff.

16:38 - 16:43
People tend to go to the technical solution without looking to the business need.

16:43 - 16:45
Always looking to the business need.

16:45 - 16:47
And this is this is actually the role of CTO.

16:48 - 16:51
He need to understand exactly what the business need.

16:51 - 16:57
He need to be with the business so he can translate that in a technical vision.

16:58 - 17:03
If he can do that and he goes with the hype, it doesn't make sense actually.

17:04 - 17:10
They they will be like like a big wall between the business and the the the technical side.

17:10 - 17:12
Let let's let's be frank about that.

17:12 - 17:16
Without the business, we don't have jobs as the techies.

17:16 - 17:22
So we need to understand that everything that we learn, tools, techniques, anything that we

17:22 - 17:31
learn in tech is actually something that can be helpful to the business people so they can bring value to the world.

17:31 - 17:32
This is how I see it.

17:32 - 17:39
And this is the point of that the CTO need to be the pillar for that for the team.

17:40 - 17:44
I I think what you are saying, I I absolutely agree with that 110%.

17:45 - 17:49
At the same time, I have a feeling that to become, like, a good leader, good CEO, and listen

17:49 - 17:53
to the business, it's the same as Souf I don't know.

17:53 - 17:58
Have you played any instrument in, in the past? Well, no. Okay.

17:58 - 18:05
But the example is, like, usually when people start to playing guitar, they start to do, like,

18:05 - 18:10
a hard solos, like, really difficult stuff, like, adding a lot of effects, a lot of different guitars.

18:11 - 18:16
But when they are experienced, they use 1 guitar, they play just a few notes, then then don't

18:16 - 18:19
use a lot of stuff because they play what is needed for the Souf.

18:20 - 18:22
Right, to be, like, value added.

18:22 - 18:24
So the same is of the with the role of the CTO.

18:24 - 18:29
Like, you need to check different stuff and then come back to the fundaments. Right?

18:30 - 18:37
The the best song that you hear usually is, like, 1 voice and maybe 1 instrument like, like,

18:37 - 18:39
an acoustic guitar or something.

18:39 - 18:41
These are the best sound that that you hear.

18:41 - 18:47
And usually people, they tend to to go to there than multiple instrument with a lot of stuff.

18:48 - 18:57
It's exactly. Exactly. So, so the the next question that I want to ask, I'm just always wondering

18:57 - 19:02
after so many years and experiences that you have got, what was the toughest experience that

19:02 - 19:04
you have got and how this shaped you?

19:04 - 19:06
Well, there there is a lot of them.

19:06 - 19:14
So I can because I'm a consultant, so I like I have a lot of tough, let's say, experiences.

19:15 - 19:17
But, 1 of them is actually

19:20 - 19:23
I remember that I worked with a team with 2 seniors.

19:23 - 19:25
I was a junior that time.

19:25 - 19:32
And this is actually 1 of the first experience that I've seen, and they were actually perfect jokes.

19:32 - 19:34
They were like rock star or something.

19:34 - 19:42
And that actually made me realize that I, I told myself when I get to that level experience,

19:43 - 19:44
I will not be like them.

19:45 - 19:50
And and actually, I hope that's the case. No. You never know.

19:50 - 19:51
Somebody is actually rude to somebody.

19:51 - 19:53
It can be jerk for some people.

19:53 - 19:55
So but I'm trying to not to go there.

19:56 - 20:01
But, what I'm trying to say is, like, I was at that time, I was junior.

20:01 - 20:04
So when I asked for help, I never get it.

20:04 - 20:10
But now I'm actually, when somebody needs help, even if something like basic and sometimes some

20:10 - 20:13
people they're going to, they're going to tell you, hey, go to Google or something.

20:14 - 20:19
I will tend to help them first and then tell them that before going back to me, these are the

20:19 - 20:21
steps they need to go.

20:21 - 20:23
Like, they need to do that, that, that, that.

20:23 - 20:30
Then when they arrive in that step and they don't find a solution, then they can get back to

20:30 - 20:33
me so we can make the time more efficient for both of us.

20:34 - 20:37
And it's also it's a learning experience for them.

20:37 - 20:44
So it's like it's easier, Souf know, when people learn something by themselves, they tend to not forget it.

20:44 - 20:46
And that's actually a way of work.

20:47 - 20:50
And this is the difference between knowledge and wisdom.

20:50 - 20:55
And this is something very, very interesting in tech industry right now.

20:55 - 21:02
There is, there is a lot of people with 1 year multiplied by 10.

21:02 - 21:05
But there is a few people with 10 years of experience.

21:06 - 21:11
So I'm trying to say is like the 1 that 1 year they are repeating the same year.

21:11 - 21:19
They are not like trying to learn something new to, to improve themselves and to go beyond that.

21:20 - 21:25
For those who have 10 years of experience, usually they are people to tend to to know.

21:25 - 21:30
What happens is actually the 1 that have 1 year experience, they develop what they call knowledge.

21:31 - 21:37
So they know how, how it works for that language, for that specific context.

21:37 - 21:41
But if they go outside of the context, they're gonna switch back.

21:41 - 21:49
But for those who have 10 years of experience, they develop mechanism to learn new things.

21:49 - 21:53
And especially, you know, that in the tech industry, it's moving too fast.

21:53 - 22:02
So you need to develop some kind of ways so you can learn fast things and you can understand

22:02 - 22:08
fast faster than most of the people these things, especially when you get old. You know?

22:10 - 22:18
So, so the thing is, there there is, like, you know, going to conference, having having a network

22:18 - 22:23
of people that you can ask for for for the best resources that you can start with.

22:24 - 22:30
Also reading yourself books, on the tech side and also outside of the tech side, especially

22:30 - 22:35
if you are working with business, trying to understand how the other people, working, behaving,

22:36 - 22:41
especially when you take a big role, a role of leader, especially in the tech side, you need

22:41 - 22:47
to understand how the business thing, how the marketing thing, how the sales actually thing,

22:47 - 22:53
and try to figure it out how you can make everything is actually, working for them because they

22:53 - 22:55
are your customers at the by the end of the day.

22:56 - 22:59
And also they give you feedback, and this is actually the most important part.

23:00 - 23:05
Because, like like like anything, you need feedback.

23:05 - 23:10
You need to create that feedback loop which actually can give you so you can understand your customers.

23:10 - 23:15
And from from there, you try to build something, between between you and the business.

23:15 - 23:16
I'm not talking about process.

23:16 - 23:19
I'm talking even in the business, vision.

23:19 - 23:22
In my opinion, the city who can give his feedback or say, okay.

23:22 - 23:23
Let's go to that way.

23:23 - 23:25
Let's try that because that's easier.

23:25 - 23:28
And then we check how the customer behave for that.

23:28 - 23:35
You know, it's like, when you are dealing with people as customers, we need to understand that

23:35 - 23:39
it can go different than what you think in your head. You know?

23:39 - 23:43
Like, you can give a product that you say it will not work and then at some point, you understand

23:43 - 23:50
that, that that that product actually worked well for for custom. 1 of the story that I can

23:50 - 23:52
give you I can give you is like about Slack, actually.

23:53 - 23:58
Slack, when they started, they were, they were a gaming company. They they created games.

23:59 - 24:05
What happens is actually in these games, they created that channel so that people can talk between each other.

24:05 - 24:10
And now the game is completely gone, and they switched their business to go completely on that

24:10 - 24:12
side, and it's working very well.

24:12 - 24:16
So this is 1 of the story that somebody who is actually listen to the customer.

24:17 - 24:22
He understand that the main, business area, it's not actually the game itself.

24:22 - 24:23
It doesn't work for the games.

24:23 - 24:26
It works actually for the other other side.

24:26 - 24:34
Like, few days back, I was discussing also with some person, I will not disclose the the the

24:34 - 24:37
thing, but we were discussing they are moving to different Souf.

24:38 - 24:40
And they are using AI for something.

24:40 - 24:48
And they discovered that, and they tried using for for for another, let's say, another way.

24:48 - 24:55
And they discovered that the other way is actually more interesting to the customer than the first 1.

24:55 - 24:56
So they completely ditched it.

24:56 - 25:02
And this is actually 1 of the biggest advice that I can give to, to start up. Listen to your customer.

25:03 - 25:09
See where where actually you bring value and see where they think where where the customer see the value.

25:10 - 25:16
Sometimes if you are too focusing on, okay, this is the value in your head and you don't listen

25:16 - 25:18
to the customer, well, it doesn't make sense.

25:18 - 25:23
If somebody doesn't want to buy your product, you can't force them to do.

25:23 - 25:27
But you can change your product to the needs that that he have.

25:27 - 25:34
So you need to listen to him, about the and get as much as possible feedbacks about that.

25:34 - 25:35
That's why there is a lot of surveys.

25:35 - 25:42
There is a lot of things that that usually, companies do so they can get the feedback as much as possible.

25:43 - 25:48
Yeah. I think being client centric, like, especially in this age when there's, like, a huge competition.

25:48 - 25:52
Like, there is so many solutions, like, coming live.

25:52 - 25:58
I heard 1 story what changed my mind recently. 2 years ago or last year, I was in Tel Aviv with

25:58 - 26:03
my cofounder and, you know, we don't do those, podcasts as as as we are doing now.

26:03 - 26:08
And he was talking with 1 guy, and I don't know if those those podcasts are maybe outside, but

26:08 - 26:09
the guy sold a company.

26:09 - 26:13
He's, like, filthy rich, filthy rich, and he's starting another company.

26:13 - 26:16
And he's telling about the process that what he is doing.

26:17 - 26:21
And, you know, he he said, like, his goal is to talk with, I don't know, 70 people.

26:21 - 26:25
He has, like, a customer interview. Yeah.

26:25 - 26:26
Like, he's doing customer development.

26:26 - 26:31
He has a set of questions, and the first thing that he's doing, he said, like, I need to talk

26:31 - 26:34
with the potential clients, and he's doing his on on his own. Right?

26:35 - 26:40
So, like, you need to go to those basics, and, like, I got really expecting inspired by him.

26:40 - 26:46
So I started to talk a lot of the people, like, to save those data and then to discuss with my team.

26:46 - 26:50
And I think being client centric, it's like a hyper important lesson.

26:50 - 26:55
That's that's completely true, and, and that's the thing, the next thing. So yeah.

26:55 - 26:57
So going especially to that topic.

26:57 - 27:00
So when you get the feedback, usually, it's a it's a data. Right?

27:01 - 27:02
And we are in the era of the data.

27:03 - 27:10
So it's like I can I can I can go in multiple, like, if we are talking about AI right now, what

27:10 - 27:13
AI needs is actually 2 things so you can build an AI?

27:13 - 27:17
You need, a model and you need data.

27:17 - 27:28
And that's for sure if you don't have good data and and then usually Souf use data to to to optimize your Khaled.

27:28 - 27:30
And and that's and that's it.

27:30 - 27:36
Actually, this is the thing that maybe many people, they don't understand how actually AI is behaving.

27:36 - 27:41
AI is actually, a computing probability system.

27:41 - 27:46
So what they have is like when you ask something, especially in ChargeGPT, for example, when

27:46 - 27:47
you say, how are you?

27:47 - 27:50
He gonna check and say for the how are Souf?

27:50 - 27:58
What are the the the the the most probable, let's say, answer that he can give for that?

27:58 - 28:04
It's not really as, smart as people they think. It's actually doing that.

28:05 - 28:12
And people sometimes they tend to fix it in some in some places because sometimes he he doesn't say the right thing.

28:12 - 28:13
And this is the thing.

28:14 - 28:16
AI doesn't give you the right answer.

28:16 - 28:20
It give you the most possible 1.

28:20 - 28:22
And this is this is really very important.

28:23 - 28:26
So I'm talking about the AI right now.

28:26 - 28:29
I don't know in 10 years or in 5 years how it will work.

28:29 - 28:36
This is 1 thing that I understood and actually, like, it make my life easier because sometimes I don't trust it.

28:36 - 28:42
I like when I, when I, when I'm working with ChargeGPT, sometimes it says something that's completely wrong.

28:42 - 28:46
And I tell them, I tell SureGPT, hey, this is wrong, actually, what what you told.

28:46 - 28:48
And you say, oh, I'm sorry and all that.

28:49 - 28:54
So this is thing that you need to to understand about the the limits of AI.

28:54 - 28:58
But we are in the era of data.

28:58 - 29:05
If you have data, a prorated 1, it's something that can be used for different ways. 1 of them

29:05 - 29:08
is actually collecting feedback is going to be as formless data.

29:09 - 29:16
And, and the other thing that also I've seen in data, right now, we are starting seeing data as a product.

29:17 - 29:24
Like, what I'm trying to say is, like, usually when you build application, now is actually most

29:24 - 29:29
of them, they offer also an API or something to expose their data.

29:29 - 29:32
So it can be used by the internal system that you have.

29:32 - 29:36
So you can build something from that. It can be AI. It can be, statics.

29:37 - 29:40
It can be like like like I told Souf, about the traffic.

29:40 - 29:45
Like, how do Souf know that the traffic is actually in Black Friday and Cyber Monday is actually 500%.

29:45 - 29:46
We have data on that.

29:47 - 29:49
So everything is based on data.

29:49 - 29:56
And data is your feedback, especially when you work with, with these kind of big application

29:56 - 30:01
b to c and you have, like, it's not easy to talk directly to the customers.

30:01 - 30:05
You have 1, 000, 000. It it's not easy. You know?

30:05 - 30:10
You gotta take maybe a few few of them, 100, 200, but that's all.

30:10 - 30:12
But more than that, you're gonna need data on that.

30:13 - 30:19
The other also thing that I've seen is, like, we we we talk about open data.

30:19 - 30:25
Sometimes you have data that you can exploit for yourself to use it to build some kind of product on that.

30:25 - 30:28
So this is where we live.

30:28 - 30:32
So the next thing I think is like AI.

30:32 - 30:37
We're going to have AI with more operated data.

30:38 - 30:43
The only issue that I see right now, and I think is going to be solved Souf.

30:43 - 30:46
And that's why actually I will I will explain a lot of stuff that happening.

30:46 - 30:50
The issue with AI right now is actually taking a lot of computing.

30:50 - 30:53
So you need a lot of resources.

30:54 - 31:00
And that's why NVIDIA action is like they they they skyrocket the

31:00 - 31:09
I read today that the value of NVIDIA, it's, like the it's more today than the whole, stock

31:09 - 31:11
market in Germany right now.

31:11 - 31:21
Yeah. Because of AI. And if you hear also their CEO or their CTO talking, they are pushing for AI. Why?

31:21 - 31:23
Because their business is actually based on that. Yeah.

31:23 - 31:26
So and that's completely, completely normal.

31:26 - 31:33
And even now I actually I heard that Elon Musk has actually started building his company, the,

31:33 - 31:38
the XCI, who is actually trying to to be a concurrent to to open AI.

31:38 - 31:44
And, first thing is actually big contract with NVIDIA. So yeah.

31:45 - 31:50
And it's the same also for cloud providers like Amazon or like like Google.

31:51 - 31:55
First thing, when they start to build an AI, they they they ask for resources.

31:55 - 31:58
And today, the biggest 1 is actually NVIDIA.

31:58 - 32:04
So They are so so lucky because, like, during the gold rush, the

32:04 - 32:10
the the people that make most money out of the gold rush are the people that's selling selling the shovels. Right? Yeah.

32:10 - 32:12
Not who are digging the gold.

32:12 - 32:16
And before, they had the the Bitcoin and the miners. Right?

32:17 - 32:23
And now they have the AI, which is, like and but it's unbelievable how how their their company is going.

32:23 - 32:28
Yeah. So you you bring it in, like, a like, a very interesting subject that I'd like to go to.

32:28 - 32:34
It's like, in my opinion, usually when you have a technology that is starting, you need to wait

32:35 - 32:39
until it matures the usability or the usage of that.

32:40 - 32:46
And then from there, you, you can, like, you can, you can start benefit from it.

32:46 - 32:55
What I'm trying to say is, like, if you go to blockchain so the first thing is actually cryptocurrency than NFT.

32:57 - 33:00
In my opinion, these are only the first steps.

33:00 - 33:07
We're gonna have maybe in the future, we're gonna have a third 1 or maybe a 4th 1 use case that

33:07 - 33:12
is going to be more, let's say benefits than these first cases.

33:12 - 33:15
These 1 are only the first cases of, of blockchain.

33:16 - 33:17
Why I'm trying to say that?

33:17 - 33:22
Because usually the first use case and the second 1, they they are killed at some point.

33:22 - 33:24
But maybe it's it's still my opinion.

33:24 - 33:29
But, we we will see in the future how how it happens. Why I'm saying that?

33:29 - 33:31
Because it was the same with microservices.

33:32 - 33:38
Microservice is actually the first technology that is built on that was called Vertex.

33:39 - 33:44
Vertex is actually like, nobody is using it right now.

33:44 - 33:50
But now people, they are using the tools that were built by Netflix, for example, in the the

33:50 - 33:55
Java stack, like, like, Erica, like, like the circuit breaker. I don't know.

33:55 - 33:58
I forgot the the the names of the of the tools.

33:58 - 34:06
But what I'm trying to say, when a concept happens and is created, the first user is actually

34:06 - 34:09
most of the case, it will not survive survive a lot.

34:09 - 34:17
You need to wait 2 to 3 to 4 years until until we have, like, other cases, other use cases.

34:18 - 34:20
And these, most of the case, they're gonna survive.

34:20 - 34:22
The AI is the same.

34:22 - 34:29
We got the hype right now, but at some point, it's gonna be converging to very specific user.

34:29 - 34:36
1 of the users that that I see right now is, like, Google is actually, they make a lot of money

34:36 - 34:38
from the, the search engine. Right?

34:39 - 34:47
I think part of that market or maybe even the whole market of that gonna be switch it to to to the AI.

34:47 - 34:53
Because right now, the people when they do a search in Google, they search for specific information.

34:53 - 35:01
And usually that information is actually not treated, you know, not, like, you need to process

35:01 - 35:05
it as a as a person and then take what it should be taken.

35:06 - 35:16
That thing is actually already done when when you ask a shot GPT or you ask any any any AI that is exist existing. It's still not perfect. That's for sure.

35:16 - 35:18
But we are going there.

35:18 - 35:22
Gonna take some time, but we are going there. Yeah.

35:22 - 35:24
So we switch it to the AI. Sorry about that.

35:24 - 35:28
No. No. That's a that's a really interesting, topic.

35:28 - 35:33
I don't know if you know this book Crossing the Chasm, like adaptation of the users.

35:33 - 35:36
They're like Souf have the innovators at the very beginning. Right?

35:36 - 35:39
And then it's going up, like, the the the chart.

35:40 - 35:43
So III think this is the similar case.

35:43 - 35:49
It reminds me when I was starting the company, the the the the Brain Hub, the the agency that

35:49 - 35:54
I have, like, in 2, 000 16, we started as a JavaScript, like, best JavaScript team. Right?

35:54 - 35:57
And JavaScript back then, it was just starting and growing.

35:57 - 36:02
We set the bet on React, on Node, and it was just a start. Right?

36:02 - 36:06
And when the with the adaptation was higher and the libraries frameworks, they were going, like,

36:06 - 36:10
having more users and bigger compar corporations are using it.

36:10 - 36:12
So there were more tools, more demand. Right?

36:13 - 36:18
But at the same time, as I don't know if you remember, but number of frameworks and libraries

36:18 - 36:23
that were competitors to those technologies and everything, like, with the JS at the very end,

36:23 - 36:26
like, each day Souf have, like, a 3 different new things. Right?

36:26 - 36:31
And the developers, they want to build the stuff with the new things because this is exciting.

36:31 - 36:37
But at the same time, if you are, working with the company which has, established which is established

36:37 - 36:43
on the market, you cannot, like, go and say, like, all in into new concepts. Right?

36:43 - 36:48
Like, in a completely new tools, libraries because you cannot predict what will happen if this

36:48 - 36:50
will survive in 2 years. Right?

36:52 - 36:59
It's in the market. So it's like, we people tend to forget that we are in, what you call, a new science.

36:59 - 37:01
It's still a new science.

37:01 - 37:03
The the tech industry is still a new science.

37:03 - 37:09
So it's not like mechanical engineering or, like, let's say civil engineering or something,

37:10 - 37:14
like like, who has actually been there for 1000 of years. You know?

37:14 - 37:17
We've been there, like, maybe for 50 years or something.

37:17 - 37:22
So we we we we tend to to it's going fast.

37:23 - 37:27
It's gonna stabilize at some point. That's for sure. I hope not.

37:27 - 37:32
Because if it if it's still there, we still have work to do. But yeah.

37:33 - 37:36
That's the the thing that, let's say, exciting and exhausting in the same way, in the same place, Souf know,

37:44 - 37:46
there is always new stuff that you need to learn.

37:46 - 37:49
And what is exhausting is, like, you need to do that all the time.

37:49 - 37:51
It's like people, they are reading newspaper.

37:52 - 37:58
I think most of the techies, me including myself, usually our newspaper is, like, looking into

37:58 - 38:00
what happens in the tech today.

38:00 - 38:02
What what which startup is actually going up.

38:02 - 38:04
Where where we are going?

38:04 - 38:07
What are the the techniques that we use right now?

38:08 - 38:13
What that company do we actually successfully use as a process and how they build that process.

38:14 - 38:16
And we always tend to do that.

38:16 - 38:19
And this is actually also big issue for most of CTOs.

38:19 - 38:22
So how how do we keep up with all of that?

38:22 - 38:26
Well, 1 thing that I do is like, I can't keep up with everything myself.

38:27 - 38:32
So what I need to do is like, I keep up with with which I can keep keep up.

38:32 - 38:35
And then I share it with some other people who is actually in the same state as me.

38:35 - 38:37
And the same goes for for others.

38:37 - 38:43
Then when you have that network, this is what I call well, what I call maybe what most of the

38:43 - 38:46
people call collective, intelligence or something.

38:46 - 38:54
So so it's like, you you bring a lot of people even if, like, not all of them are smart or maybe

38:55 - 39:00
not nobody is actually smart when they are together, they are smart actually because they are

39:00 - 39:04
sharing knowledge, they are sharing techniques, they try different things.

39:04 - 39:10
And then, so so that's why when when you are talking about CTOs, it's very, very important to

39:10 - 39:13
be in a community of CTOs or maybe a community of techies.

39:13 - 39:15
So you can keep up with that.

39:15 - 39:20
And you can, like, check how how to do things, how happens.

39:20 - 39:26
And then, and that's actually pretty cool in tech because most of people that they are in tech,

39:26 - 39:35
they are, by default, in my opinion, they are people who tend to share a lot what they discover. And that's good, actually.

39:35 - 39:38
I hope I hope it's the same in the other this.

39:39 - 39:45
I I think, like, exchanging knowledge is 1 thing, but for me as a cofounder, I talk with a lot

39:45 - 39:48
with my competitive stores from all around the world.

39:48 - 39:51
All, like, the leaders from the disciplines that I'm interested in. Right?

39:51 - 39:58
But I'm doing it not only to exchange the knowledge, but even for the mental health because,

39:58 - 40:00
like, as a leader, you are alone.

40:00 - 40:03
Like, you have a feeling that you are alone and you are alone with the problem.

40:03 - 40:08
But apparently, when you talk with other leaders, they have the same problem at the same time.

40:08 - 40:12
So it's, like, even good for the mental health to be in touch with them.

40:12 - 40:15
Because like you said, it's very good for the mental health.

40:15 - 40:21
And, also, you figured out that you are not the only 1 facing these kind of problems.

40:21 - 40:26
And that's actually pretty cool because everybody has a way to solve them.

40:26 - 40:32
And you can from that, you can develop your own way based on the experience of the others. 1

40:32 - 40:38
other thing that that I tend to say is, like, some people, like I told you about the 10 years

40:38 - 40:43
of experience and between 1 multiplied by 10 and the 10 years, usually the people that have

40:43 - 40:47
10 years of experience, when I say it's like, it's a figure of speech, it's like can be 10,

40:47 - 40:58
20, 30, They tend to have people around them in the same mindset so they can keep up about what happens in the industry.

40:58 - 41:01
So they have 10 years of experience.

41:02 - 41:09
But in reality, with all the accumulated knowledge that they have, they tend to behave like

41:09 - 41:16
somebody who has 30 years of experience because of all the experience that they they they accumulated from the others.

41:16 - 41:22
And the same also when I say that, the same also goes for their peers because it's the same.

41:22 - 41:25
They they are doing the same, the same stuff.

41:25 - 41:31
And that's actually pretty cool because you can, especially and this is an advice for junior

41:31 - 41:33
developer, for junior tech tech.

41:34 - 41:41
If you are, in these kind of communities, you're gonna grow faster than somebody who is actually

41:41 - 41:43
is not in this kind of communities.

41:43 - 41:50
And these people tend to to go, like, to to to to be successful in what they do.

41:51 - 41:54
And this is actually 1 of the questions that I remember, how to be successful.

41:54 - 42:02
I think you need to be round people who is actually positive, the same mindset, and working,

42:03 - 42:08
in the same field, like like like like I told about the mental health and other stuff.

42:08 - 42:16
And in the same way, you can you can have multiple vision about the same, you know, this glass

42:16 - 42:18
this is a glass of water.

42:18 - 42:24
Somebody gonna say the full, to to see the full, the full glass of water.

42:24 - 42:28
Somebody else is gonna say the empty, that that is in the glass.

42:28 - 42:31
So and it's very interesting because it's 2 visions.

42:31 - 42:34
So you need to understand there is other vision than yourself.

42:35 - 42:37
I have a similar concept.

42:38 - 42:41
I I call it, like, outsourcing of decision making.

42:41 - 42:46
So I always think, like, I have my opinion, but I always before, like, making the decision that

42:46 - 42:53
impacts, like, a lot of people or maybe, you know, the way we way we do things, It's like, I

42:53 - 43:00
have, like, a group of a few people, but they are sometimes from different fields regarding entrepreneurship on different levels.

43:01 - 43:04
They are even out like, they yeah. Outside of tech. Right?

43:04 - 43:11
But I really respect and like their opinions and how they think, and I crushed my decision making with them.

43:11 - 43:15
Even once, I had that psychotherapist. Right?

43:15 - 43:20
And I went to her, like, and I made we made, like, a 4 session, and she helped me a lot.

43:20 - 43:24
And I was, like, amazed because she was just listening what I'm saying.

43:24 - 43:29
I'm talking about the business, how I structure the company, how I structure the teams, like, how do we work.

43:29 - 43:33
And she's you know, she has no clue about doing the business.

43:34 - 43:38
But at the same time, she's listening to what I'm saying, and it's all a a lot about working

43:38 - 43:44
with people and how to approach and your mindset that you don't see from the outside how you're making the decision making.

43:44 - 43:51
So she helped me to structurize the the setup of the team, like, completely outside of the box.

43:51 - 43:53
The same when I'm talking with the guests of the podcast.

43:53 - 43:58
A lot of them are saying, like because I'm asking about that, and they were asking the same question.

43:58 - 44:07
There'll be others about, like, some books or, resources, conferences that have been particularly influential on, on that. Right?

44:07 - 44:09
What they have learned all of it.

44:09 - 44:12
And a lot of them start with the centers like, hey.

44:12 - 44:18
Maybe this will surprise you, but the book that influenced me, it's not about the tech. Right? It's about the stoics.

44:19 - 44:23
It's about, like, Mark Auralius. It's, like, philosophy.

44:23 - 44:27
Like, something but but this has influence on Nelson.

44:27 - 44:33
Yes. True. This is actually quite interesting. 1 of the book that, like like, it changed my

44:33 - 44:42
perspective on how, you talk to people is actually, I think it's called how how to how to win friends or something.

44:43 - 44:45
How to, how to make friends and influence people.

44:45 - 44:47
Daniel Carden. 1 of my friends.

44:47 - 44:51
I read it, like, 5 years ago or maybe 6 years ago.

44:51 - 44:57
I still have a copy in, at home, but that thing's actually changed my perspective about how

44:57 - 44:59
how to to deal with people especially.

45:00 - 45:03
And this is 1 of the book.

45:03 - 45:06
The the other book is actually called, thinking in systems.

45:06 - 45:12
Because when you are dealing with people, people are systems as, like, especially when you're

45:12 - 45:14
dealing with teams and you are a leader.

45:15 - 45:20
You need to to think in in matter of systems and how the system, they influence each other.

45:22 - 45:23
I can give you a third book.

45:23 - 45:26
It's actually 1 of the best seller, and I like it a lot, who is actually

45:29 - 45:32
Thinking Fast and Slow. I think they know about the book. Yeah.

45:32 - 45:38
That that book is actually incredible about how how they did the experience and how the how

45:38 - 45:39
they found about the 2 systems.

45:40 - 45:46
The system was actually lazy, but in the same time, very pragmatic and very, like, the 1 who

45:46 - 45:48
is actually thinking, let's say.

45:49 - 45:53
And the other who is actually very fast, but in the same time, it's intuitive.

45:53 - 45:58
And how these 2 systems inside your mind, they are influencing, each other.

45:59 - 46:01
And it's really very, very interesting book.

46:01 - 46:05
I think I recommend it for any person not only techies.

46:05 - 46:12
Any person should read that book because there is a lot of insight in that book that can be taken in real life.

46:13 - 46:21
The other thing that usually when I tend to when somebody is asking about something, when people

46:21 - 46:26
try to understand the concept, don't ask people.

46:26 - 46:27
Go to the founder of the concept.

46:29 - 46:34
Buy his book or read his blog Souf he can get the essence of that book. Why?

46:34 - 46:42
Because always in my head, when somebody try to read about something, about the the 1 person

46:42 - 46:45
that didn't, let's say, create that.

46:45 - 46:53
It's like asking somebody to about, let's say a movie that you you've seen. Go see the movie.

46:53 - 47:00
And then from there, you can ask other people about their opinion so you can see different.

47:00 - 47:04
But go see the movie so you can get this as yourself.

47:04 - 47:11
And then from there, you can you can start, like, discussing with others to see how they they've seen the movie.

47:11 - 47:14
What What are the parts that maybe you didn't see about the movie?

47:15 - 47:21
What are their perspective about the cast, about the actors, about the

47:24 - 47:29
the sharkter. So and there, it's becoming interesting conversation because you have already

47:29 - 47:32
your opinion and you add to them.

47:33 - 47:38
Going back to making decision, I like I like to go back to that.

47:38 - 47:48
So 1 of the things that I learned the hard way is, like, when you are a leader or you become a leader,

47:51 - 48:01
talk less, listen more, and never take a decision before hearing all the people around you that

48:01 - 48:03
gonna be impacted by that decision.

48:03 - 48:08
What What I'm trying to say is like, even if Souf know for sure for that, you're going to make

48:08 - 48:12
that decision, give them space so they can share their thoughts.

48:12 - 48:15
Because maybe there is some few things that you don't know.

48:15 - 48:19
And in the same time, you give power to your team actually.

48:19 - 48:23
When you do that, they they know that their opinion is valued.

48:24 - 48:34
And they know for sure that even if you take the decision, you take it based also in their, input. This is 1 thing.

48:34 - 48:41
The other thing, if there is, like, a conflict, when I say, like, for taking decision, don't worry about that.

48:41 - 48:43
Pick up 1 of them.

48:43 - 48:51
But always make sure that that decision or maybe most of this decision that you take are reversible.

48:52 - 49:00
So what I'm trying to say is, like, a decision can be good or bad and can also be good or bad

49:00 - 49:05
depending on that context, on that specific, let's say, day.

49:06 - 49:13
But in a few years, maybe that decision gonna be wrong because the context change it and a lot of stuff have changed.

49:14 - 49:16
In some places, you need to take decision.

49:16 - 49:21
So take the decision by but make sure that it can be reversible.

49:21 - 49:26
So what is interesting is creating a process that can reverse the decision.

49:26 - 49:31
So that's why most of the people they focus they tend to focus on learning curve because they

49:31 - 49:35
say that, how can I go and do that Souf?

49:35 - 49:41
I'm getting a faster feedback, so I can switch my decision if if needed to be.

49:41 - 49:45
And this is actually the principle of reversible decision.

49:45 - 49:51
So we need always to have as much as possible reverse re reversible decision. Why?

49:51 - 49:56
Because at some point, you can take you need to take a decision. Take the wrong 1. That's okay.

49:56 - 50:04
But you can then then make it make it reversible so you can change it in in in any days after that.

50:05 - 50:09
I think Amazon popularized this concept, right, about, that that I think yes.

50:09 - 50:12
Is this decision or service irreversible?

50:12 - 50:17
So, yeah, a lot of amazing tips, Khaled.

50:18 - 50:25
And you mentioned the thing about, the first 1, yeah, about the meetings and, like, being silent on the meeting.

50:25 - 50:28
So this was the lesson I learned 2 or 3 years ago.

50:28 - 50:30
So as a leader, you want to delegate.

50:30 - 50:35
You want to have the leaders, and you want the people inside the organization to communicate and make the decisions. Right?

50:35 - 50:35

50:35 - 50:39
But as a cofounder, it's very tempting because you know the organisation.

50:39 - 50:40
You are thinking really fast.

50:41 - 50:47
You made a lot of decisions, so probably you could make the decision 10 times faster because you know more context. Right?

50:48 - 50:53
But, in this way, if you are making the decision, then the company is dependent on you so much,

50:53 - 50:55
right, that you want to create the system.

50:55 - 50:58
So I had the rule I that I'm going to the meeting and I shut up.

50:58 - 51:06
So I I don't say anymore, And after after a while, like, people have started to kick me out

51:06 - 51:09
of the meetings, out of the channels on the on the Slack. Right?

51:09 - 51:11
Because you are not needed anymore.

51:12 - 51:17
And I think this is the best that this is the goal as a leader that you want to get. Right? Exactly.

51:18 - 51:25
Also, there there is also another aspect about that why you should, because when you go up in

51:25 - 51:29
the hierarchy, your words have more power.

51:30 - 51:33
So you need be very careful when you use them.

51:33 - 51:39
Like, what I'm trying to say is, like, when you are talking to a coworker, you can talk the

51:39 - 51:47
same way to somebody who is actually, like, when you are a leader of the team because, there

51:47 - 51:48
is there is a barrier.

51:48 - 51:55
And in the same time, sometimes when you when you argue about something, he can't answer you

51:55 - 51:56
back because of the hierarchy.

51:56 - 52:00
You need to create some safe space for people to do that.

52:00 - 52:08
So it's like, never, let's say, don't tell people to do something, ask them to do.

52:08 - 52:17
And make it for them Souf even if you ask them to do that, they know that for sure they can

52:17 - 52:19
they can argue about your decision.

52:19 - 52:25
And that's very cool because when people really trust you, they're gonna start arguing about,

52:25 - 52:28
like, challenging you for the decision. And that's cool.

52:28 - 52:34
If if they are challenging you, it means that they trust you and they care about the product,

52:34 - 52:36
and they care about the company.

52:36 - 52:44
And this this is really very, very important to create as a space, as a culture of a company.

52:44 - 52:51
So you can be sure that, like you said, is going to be a system that is working by itself without Souf, influencing it.

52:51 - 52:58
Influencing it may be in some places, but but it will still work if you take, like, 1 month

52:58 - 53:02
of vacation or something because everybody knows what it need to be done.

53:03 - 53:07
I remember that somebody done that metaphor about, founders.

53:07 - 53:16
He say, the if we if the company is a car, the founder should be, the 1 who is actually switching,

53:17 - 53:22
like, let's say, pieces if there is a piece that that is not working. And that's all.

53:22 - 53:24
Because the car is already working by itself.

53:25 - 53:32
And and what is gonna be true more and more with Tesla right now with the system with the AI system, we hope so.

53:33 - 53:38
But, yeah, you you get my point about the the the metaphor, actually, about that.

53:38 - 53:42
So building systems that work by themselves, that's actually very interesting.

53:42 - 53:49
And I remember actually also 1 of the cofounders, he said that attaining some number of employees,

53:49 - 53:57
well, the CEO doesn't know what what to do anymore because everything is actually working by by itself. So

53:59 - 54:06
I would just recall the 1 thing that you said about the Daniel, that's how to win first and influence people book.

54:06 - 54:11
This is interesting regarding the operating system, how, like, we deal between the people because

54:11 - 54:17
this book is, I feel, like, 70 or 60 years old, and it's still valid because it's still the

54:17 - 54:25
way how the people interact with each other, make the decisions, get angry, like somebody, it's

54:25 - 54:27
like the same kind of, thing.

54:27 - 54:32
So it didn't change so much, and you still can apply it wherever you are.

54:32 - 54:36
But, the the last question that I wanted to ask you because, like, we talk about a lot about

54:36 - 54:41
the experiences that you already have, but we are constantly learning as a people.

54:41 - 54:45
So on the tech part, I assume you always follow, like, the trends and that kind of Souf.

54:46 - 54:52
But are there any pain points, challenges on which you work currently or you educate yourself?

54:53 - 55:01
Well, there is, what I what I say is, like, what I see is, like, where there is a pain point

55:01 - 55:07
or let's say, when you are outside of your comfort zone, you are, in the learning zone.

55:07 - 55:08
So that's a good thing.

55:08 - 55:15
Even if it's not really very comfortable sometimes, but for sure, you are learning something.

55:15 - 55:24
But if you stay in the same space with the same stuff, doing the same things, well, let's say

55:24 - 55:27
an AI can can replace you at some point

55:29 - 55:33
right now. So, the idea is, like, yes, there there is pain point.

55:34 - 55:41
Souf, for example, I can I can I can give you 1 1 of the issue that I have, like, few weeks back?

55:42 - 55:49
It's like, I'm discovering right now how to to reach out customer by myself because usually

55:49 - 55:51
I delegate that to somebody else.

55:51 - 55:56
And, it's not easy, but I'm discovering the world of the sales.

55:56 - 56:01
But now I have I have some kind of sales with actually coaching me how we should approach customer,

56:01 - 56:03
how we should, like, talk to them.

56:04 - 56:11
When I say customers, I mean, in very specific area because when my customer is a techie, it's easy.

56:11 - 56:15
When your customer is something else, it's another word. Right?

56:16 - 56:23
So you need to to figure it out how to approach them. And it's not easy.

56:23 - 56:28
These are actually was like, but now it's actually it's becoming less of a pain point because

56:29 - 56:37
and and I need to figure out something else so I can so I can learn something new, you know. So, yeah.

56:37 - 56:41
What I'm trying to say is, like and this is the advice that I give mostly to techies.

56:44 - 56:50
Let's, let's remove the image that most of the people they have about us techies.

56:50 - 56:56
Somebody who's actually a nerd, staying alone, doesn't talk to people, always playing games

56:56 - 57:04
after coding, or maybe always being, being at home, and always having delivery food and all

57:04 - 57:07
the staff doesn't go out. It's not true.

57:07 - 57:12
The techies of today, they should be more versatile than that.

57:12 - 57:20
And our work is not actually about only the code is actually bringing value to people. That's a big difference.

57:21 - 57:27
So if you are only building code, doesn't make sense that you are not, like, contributing to

57:27 - 57:29
to the society as as a person.

57:31 - 57:39
But taking that and, let's say, sharing with others, And especially if you are a senior leader,

57:39 - 57:44
it's like even better because you can teach people and you can mentor people on that.

57:44 - 57:48
So it's like you can bring more value than you think. Love that.

57:49 - 57:55
And this is actually the best that you can do is like doing, creating company, managing company,

57:55 - 57:58
and then maybe mentoring people to do that.

57:58 - 58:06
Mentoring people to to to take executive level, like, suite for for the future.

58:06 - 58:11
Do it like like like like Souf at some point, the community helped you.

58:11 - 58:13
So why not give back to to the community?

58:13 - 58:16
And I'm not talking about only the tech communities. It can

58:16 - 58:23
be also any type of community that helped you to do what you do today. Awesome.

58:23 - 58:24
Thank you very much, Khaled.

58:24 - 58:27
It was extremely insightful talk.

58:27 - 58:30
For the first time, I haven't used the questions that I had inquired.

58:31 - 58:40
So it was, a lot of interesting topic that we could probably continue, over, over another hour. But, thanks for that.

58:40 - 58:43
You're you're welcome. Thank you for having me today.

58:44 - 58:49
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