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Top 9 Digital Transformation Technologies Shaping Business Strategies

Last updated on
September 12, 2024


Digital transformation technologies: Key takeaways

  • Cloud computing, AI, cybersecurity, and other digital technologies are crucial for modernizing businesses, improving efficiency, and staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market.
  • Successful digital transformation requires careful planning and expert guidance to ensure seamless integration of new technologies with legacy systems, minimizing disruptions and maximizing benefits.
  • In regions like the DACH area, digital transformation faces cultural and technological hurdles, but overcoming these is critical for staying aligned with EU digital goals and avoiding market disadvantages.
  • As organizations adopt digital technologies, cybersecurity innovations must be prioritized to protect assets and ensure the smooth development of other transformative technologies.
  • Delaying digital transformation can lead to significant risks, including loss of market share and potential bankruptcy, making it imperative for businesses to act now and embrace the digital future.


Top 9 Digital Transformation Technologies Shaping Business Strategies


Cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity innovations—these digital transformation technologies are driving the rapid technological revolution reshaping our world. Many companies have already harnessed these tools to their advantage, and you can too—but there's no time to waste. Embracing digitalization is now essential for any organization to survive and outperform competitors. Rather than reacting to crises, proactive adoption of these technologies can unlock growth opportunities and accelerate transformation.

Moving to the cloud or modernizing legacy systems can yield significant benefits, but doing so efficiently requires expert guidance to ensure a seamless integration that aligns with business objectives. While managing legacy systems and cybersecurity poses challenges, these shouldn't deter you from leveraging digital transformation to its fullest potential.

This article explores key technologies like AI, cloud computing, and cybersecurity innovations, offering strategic insights, real-world applications, and future scenarios. We'll also examine the state of digital transformation in the DACH region, where it remains both a crucial and challenging topic.

Digital transformation technologies – why you need them badly

In many companies, the existing business processes are outdated, inefficient, and costly, leading to decreased productivity and profitability, increased errors, and ultimately – loss of market share. Business leaders must understand and prioritize mobile technology as a critical element for driving change within their organizations. Very often, the current technology stack is obsolete or incompatible with newer systems, which makes integration and scalability difficult. But acting blindly can only make things worse and more chaotic; a fully-fledged advisor, experienced in completing successful digital transformation processes, should come to the rescue.

<span class="colorbox1" fs-test-element="box1"><p>Modernize your product – and your entire business – with the right company. Here’s a list of top digital transformation companies recommended by experts.</p></span>

When properly implemented, digital transformation technologies can help:

  • expand the product,
  • speed up the software delivery process,
  • drive business innovation,
  • predict customer behavior,
  • automate routine tasks,
  • enhance decision-making,
  • improve operations and processes,
  • create new business models,
  • provide better business results.

These initiatives aim to enhance business value by improving internal processes and customer engagement.

Challenges of the digital transformation: the DACH region

If you’re still using outdated, obsolete systems, you’re not alone. For example, in the DACH region, the shift to digital faces serious challenges. Germany is a cash-dominated culture and a staggering 82% of German companies still use fax machines as a channel of communication, with a third of businesses doing so “frequently” or “very frequently.”

Technical debt is a burden hindering business growth and one that will always demand repayment at one point or another. - Matt Warcholiński, co-founder & COO at Brainhub, State of Software Modernization 2024 Report

In turn, a whopping 41% of Austrian enterprises have a very low level of digital intensity, which means that they use a maximum of three digital technologies. It’s way below the goal set by the European Union’s Digital Compass which assumes that more than 90% of SMEs reach at least a basic level of digital intensity by 2030.

Digital Compass also assumes that by that time:

  • key public services are 100% online,
  • at least 80% of the population has basic digital skills,
  • all EU citizens have access to medical records online,
  • all EU citizens have access to a digital ID.

Digital transformation efforts are crucial to overcoming these challenges and achieving the desired outcomes.

Thorough digital transformation of the EU economy and society will be hard work – and the efforts of particular countries, not only Germany and Austria, need to accelerate. Digitalization is to bring people together but to make it happen, a lot needs to be done.

Technologies driving digital transformation – examples 

Among many examples of digital technology used for digital transformation, it’s good to point a finger at:

  • Cloud computing,
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML),
  • Cybersecurity innovations,
  • Big Data,
  • Virtual Reality (VR),
  • Internet of Things (IoT),
  • Robotics,
  • Blockchain,
  • Real-time analytics.

Digital tools such as cloud computing, AI, and blockchain are essential for organizations to maintain competitiveness and adapt to market changes.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (with its subset, Machine Learning) can drive business innovation in a variety of ways.

Some of them include:

  • providing predictive analytics for customer behavior,
  • giving personalized customer recommendations,
  • automation of routine tasks,
  • enhancing decision-making,
  • sentiment interpretation and personalized customer recommendations.

Netflix and Spotify, with their famous systems of recommendations, are some of the most successful corporate users of AI. The number of success stories concerning the use of Artificial Intelligence is already jaw-dropping but, certainly, there’s a place for more.

Many businesses, be they large or small, want to catch up on this powerful wave of digital transformation in the hope of getting some of AI’s hallmarks, such as shortening business cycles and time-to-market, improved services, human error reduction, and increased profitability. Healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, banking, and customer service are some of the areas that the AI revolution is to affect the most in the future.

Staying updated with digital transformation trends is crucial for successful digital transformation, emphasizing agility, resilience, and the integration of technology to enhance business operations and meet shifting market demands.

Thanks to AI, the access to information will be way faster. What used to be provided by human minds (e.g. code, images, videos, and other forms of content), will be delivered by machines. And this shift has consequences. Job losses (for people who perform administrative tasks, graphic designers, translators, and manufacturers), ethical issues, security risks, and increased regulation are some of the challenges AI development already has to face.

Before diving into the AI world, it’s good to keep them in mind, just like the goal you want to achieve with it and your company’s readiness to adopt it. Remember that Artificial Intelligence is a way of no return and its revolutionary impact on the world economy and job market is compared to this of steam engine.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing, a vital digital transformation technology, has already revolutionized the way companies operate, consumers live, and employees work. There are many household names that make use of cloud infrastructure to some extent, like Salesforce, Google Docs, Dropbox, Netflix, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, Slack, Zoom, and Skype. Some of the ways that cloud computing has let those companies fly include storing, managing, accessing, securing, and recovering data, but also communication, and advanced data analytics.

One of the most successful companies when it comes to utilizing cloud computing is Amazon. Not only did it release AWS (Amazon Web Services), the first major Infrastructure-as-a-service cloud computing service, but also an innovative pay-as-you-use model of payment.

When physical infrastructure is not necessary, things change. Cloud computing enables accessing online resources by a virtually unlimited number of users, no matter where they are.

Some of its popular real-life applications include:

  • TV streaming services,
  • ready-to-use platforms, e.g. used for social networking and video conferencing,
  • cloud workspace,
  • Customer Relationships Management (CRM),
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).

The benefits of cloud computing are impressive and cover:

  • improved agility and scalability of IT systems,
  • cost reduction,
  • reliability,
  • disaster recovery,
  • promoting innovation,
  • data loss prevention,
  • potential for integration with other cloud services and attracting more customers.

The future seems very bright for cloud computing. Even companies that are reluctant to change understand that the cloud is the way up. It will probably get even more powerful after it’s integrated with AI  and Blockchain – advancements expected in the 2025-2030 period.

Having all the benefits of cloud computing in mind, it’s good to prepare carefully for its implementation. It’s good to know all the types of cloud computing – available deployment models (private, public, and hybrid clouds) and service models (e.g. SaaS, IaaS, PaaS). The number of services and providers is already huge, so it’s vital to have a seasoned professional to help you find the perfect match.

Cybersecurity innovations

Digital transformation would not be possible without innovations that improve cybersecurity and address emerging threats. They let many online businesses flourish and thanks to them, other technologies driving digital transformation can develop smoothly. They significantly limit the number of attacks on industrial IT systems and help protect organizations’ assets on many levels.

International organizations, aware of cybersecurity’s importance, spend a lot of money on defending their digital assets. Microsoft and Google belong to this group, which let them disrupt hacking operations and campaigns, conducted by Russian groups in recent years. This way, they were able to avoid grave consequences, including money loss and deterioration of reputation.

Some of the latest cybersecurity advancements include Quantum Cryptography, Zero-Trust Architecture, and Neural Network Intrusion Detection Systems. AI and Blockchain are also being used for enhancing cybersecurity – and we may expect this trend to strengthen in the future.

In the current geopolitical landscape, your attitude towards cybersecurity needs to be proactive and versatile. You may have to face – and counter – attacks from individual actors, hacker groups, and certain nation-states. Both threat prevention and prompt response are vital – and you should prioritize this area, and invest accordingly, also in awareness programs for employees. But before you can protect your assets wisely, you need a guide to tell you how to do it right.

Big Data

Big Data is transforming how businesses utilize information, enabling better decision-making, enhanced customer experiences, and optimized operations. By analyzing vast amounts of structured and unstructured data, companies uncover patterns and trends that drive success. Industries like healthcare, retail, and finance are particularly benefiting from Big Data, using it for predictive maintenance, personalized marketing, and more.

Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial to measure the success and ROI of Big Data initiatives. Without properly linking technology implementations to KPIs on customer insights and business process effectiveness, organizations may struggle to prove the value of their efforts and secure ongoing investment.

While companies like Amazon and Walmart leverage Big Data to stay ahead, challenges include data privacy concerns, the need for specialized skills, and integrating diverse data sources. To capitalize on Big Data, businesses must invest in robust management systems and skilled professionals who can effectively interpret and apply insights.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality (VR) is rapidly becoming a transformative force across various industries. By creating immersive environments, VR is revolutionizing training, customer engagement, and product innovation. Industries like gaming, real estate, healthcare, and education are leveraging VR for applications ranging from surgical simulations to virtual property tours.

Companies like Oculus and Sony are leading VR’s charge in entertainment, while retailers like IKEA use it to enhance shopping experiences. Despite its potential, VR faces challenges such as high costs and user comfort issues. However, with proper planning and investment, businesses can harness VR's full potential.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is connecting the world by embedding sensors and connectivity into everyday objects, enabling smarter operations and decision-making. IoT is transforming industries like manufacturing, smart cities, and agriculture, with applications in predictive maintenance, traffic management, and precision farming.

Leading companies like Siemens and Cisco provide platforms that enable businesses to manage IoT ecosystems. However, IoT also presents challenges, including cybersecurity risks and the need for interoperability. To leverage IoT effectively, businesses must invest in secure, scalable solutions and collaborate with experts in the field.


Robotics is driving the automation revolution, enhancing productivity, precision, and efficiency across industries. In manufacturing, companies like Toyota and Tesla use robots for assembly and welding, leading to faster production and higher quality. In healthcare, surgical robots and rehabilitation assistants are transforming patient care.

Despite clear benefits, robotics presents challenges such as high costs, the need for skilled operators, and concerns about job displacement. Ethical considerations are also crucial. To integrate robotics successfully, companies should assess their needs, invest in training, and plan for a balanced approach that combines automation with human expertise.


Blockchain technology offers unparalleled transparency, security, and efficiency, extending beyond its roots in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. As a decentralized and immutable ledger, blockchain is ideal for secure transactions in finance, supply chain management, and healthcare.

Companies like JPMorgan and PayPal use blockchain for secure payments, while industries utilize it for tracking goods and securing patient data. Despite its potential, blockchain faces challenges such as scalability, regulatory uncertainty, and the need for standardization. Businesses looking to adopt blockchain should understand its applications and partner with experts to maximize its benefits.

Real-time analytics

Real-time analytics provides a significant competitive edge by enabling organizations to process and analyze data as it’s generated, driving instant decision-making. Industries like finance, retail, and logistics benefit from real-time analytics through applications like fraud detection, personalized customer experiences, and supply chain optimization.

Companies like Uber and Amazon use real-time data to enhance customer experiences and manage operations efficiently. However, implementing real-time analytics requires a robust infrastructure capable of handling large data volumes with low latency. Businesses should focus on areas where immediate insights offer the most value, investing in the right technologies and expertise to stay competitive.

Technologies for digital transformation wrapped up

In many countries, including the DACH region, both business and public institutions suffer from insufficient levels of adopting digital technologies. Some organizations may be reluctant to let go of outdated systems, but there’s still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to the adoption of technologies driving digital transformation. 

One of the reasons for the digitalization gap is over-cautiousness, which can be very risky, even detrimental, to the company’s existence. Losing market share and money, and, ultimately, bankruptcy, can all be in the cards for organizations that hesitate and managers who think that they still have time. 

On the other hand, a vast majority of digital transformations fail so it’s crucial to implement technologies for digital transformation carefully. If you’re already using some emerging technologies but want to rebuild and enhance your tech stack, you certainly need a full-fledged advisor, too.  

<span class="colorbox1" fs-test-element="box1"><p>Building a digital transformation strategy is not a piece of cake – here’s how to build a future-proof digital transformation strategy step by step.</p></span>

This will let you unlock your business success and pave the way for a better, more prosperous future. Digital future.

Want to catch up on digitization but don’t know which digital transformation technologies are best for your organization? If you’d like to leverage your business before it’s too late, contact Brainhub today.

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